Booking Online Appointments

For your convenience, Botox and filler appointments, as well as Coolsculpting, Thermitight, and HydraFacial MD appointments can be booked directly online or by calling the office directly at 780-482-1414. There is a $100.00 deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (and there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). We will refund $80.00 within 10 business days if you attend your appointment or if you cancel more than 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you miss your scheduled appointment, the $100 deposit will be forfeited.If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, please call as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.
For all other services, please call or email to schedule an appointment.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out to complete this form.
Please note that you WILL receive a confirmatory email upon successful completion of this online request. If you do not receive a confirmatory email, please contact our office by telephone to ensure that your request was successfully completed.