Pumpkin spice everything, leaves falling, and sweaters everyday can only mean one thing: Fall is here! This beautiful and romantic time of year can also mean changes in weather and temperature which can affect your skin. Everyday events that we take for granted, such as stronger winds, can strip away moisture from the skin. When this moisture is stripped or there are irritants in the air, your skin can become itchy or even a rash can appear! Here are some basic tips to help your skin retain moisture. The following are only tips and does not replace seeing a qualified dermatologist.
- Shorten the time spent in showers and baths.
Not only is it good for the environment to decrease the amount of water used, limiting the time spent in the shower will prevent your skin from losing its moisture barrier.
Closing the bathroom door to keep moisture in the bathroom is a great way to keep your skin moist.
Hot water can irritate the skin. Try dropping the temperature to a warm setting.
Use unscented soap products on your skin.
Gently pat your skin dry with a towel.
Immediately after drying your skin, apply a non-irritating moisturizer to your skin.
- Apply moisturizers after wash.
Washing your hands will strip away moisture from your skin. Many individuals, especially those in the healthcare field, wash their hands several times a day. After washing your hands, lightly pat dry your hands and then immediately apply moisturizer. This will help keep moisture in your hands.
- Wearing gloves.
Wearing gloves when outside is not only a fashion statement, it can help protect your hands from the elements! Gloves can also help retain moisture on your skin.
Gloves also act as a physical barrier between your skin and other substances in your environment, such as chemicals, potential allergens, and objects than can cause little cuts.
- Choose the right detergent for you.
Find a non-irritating laundry detergent that works for you. It will take some trial and error to find the perfect fit. Try using an unscented/hypoallergenic detergent to avoid irritation.
- Limit time directly in front of the fireplace.
Cozying up next to a fireplace on a chilly autumn day can truly warm the soul. Just remember fire or any heat source can dry your skin. Try limiting your time spent directly beside any heat source. Also, don’t forget that if you are using a fireplace to have a window or door open to allow fresh air to circulate within the home!
- Humidifiers
Humidifiers are great tools to help bring back moisture into the air and decrease the chances of your skin drying out.
- Don’t forget the sunscreen
Yes, even with the limited hours of sun and increased cloudiness, wearing sunscreen on open portions of skin is still very important throughout the year! Many sunscreens will also provide a moisture barrier to help retain that needed moisture.
The autumn season is an incredible time of year. Don’t let dry skin bring an end to your fun. If you find that your are experiencing prolonged periods of dryness or even a rash, consult with your Dermatologist!