Dr. Nakatsui was the guest Dermatologist on CTV Edmonton News at Noon today. He spoke with Marni Kuhlmann about Botox® Cosmetic, Fillers, and Facial Rejuvenation. Dr. Nakatsui showed some Before and After photos of patients who have had filler for their lips, as well as Botox® for crows feet (around the eyes) and frown lines. He introduces ThermiTight™ for facial rejuvenation which uses a radio frequency technology to tighten the skin, and shrink fat.
You can watch Dr. Nakatsui on the CTV Edmonton News at Noon here: http://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/ctv-news-at-noon, click on the broadcast for Monday, November 23, 2015, and advance to 36min 30sec to watch.