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Archive for the ‘Treatments’ Category

Dr. Nakatsui on CTV discussing Hair Restoration Surgery

April 13th, 2016 | Treatments, Uncategorized


Hair loss occurs in approximately 50% of males and approximately 40% of females during their life time. Hair loss can affect an individual’s self-esteem and affect how they live their daily lives. Dr. Thomas Nakatsui is a dermatologist who specializes in hair transplants, using the most advanced, state-of-the-art techniques in hair transplant surgery. At the Groot Dermasurgery Centre, he has performed hair transplant surgery for over 15 years with great success and is a recipient of the Consumers’ Choice Award for hair restoration.

Dr.Nakatsui has trained extensively with Dr. Jerry Wong in the state-of-the-art follicular unit transplantation using the lateral slit technique, for creating the most natural-looking hair transplant possible. Dr. Nakatsui is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, the Canadian Dermatology Association, the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery, the American Society of Hair restoration surgery, as well as a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

Please click on the link below to watch Dr. Nakatsui discuss the hair transplant surgery and to see some before and after photos.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our clinic at (780)482-1414 or visit our dedicated hair transplant websiteThank you and have a great day!

Do you suffer from a double chin?

February 23rd, 2016 | Conditions, Treatments


No matter how hard your work out or how well you eat, your double chin can remain in place.  Age, genetics, and other factors can cause additional fat/skin to deposit under the chin giving the appearance of a double chin.

Historically, the only way to improve a double chin would be through a face lift surgery.  The face lift surgery is still a great option, however it can have a lengthy downtime and many individuals do not want to undergo an invasive surgery.

ThermiTight™ is the newest in non-invasive procedures in which Dr. Nakatsui is able to deliver controlled thermal energy under the skin in order to reverse the effects of aging.  ThermiTight™ is able to sculpt the troublesome area under the chin and tighten loose skin drastically improving the double chin appearance.

The majority of patients only require a single session. While every patient is unique and individual results may vary, most patients experience dramatic improvements in skin laxity and the appearance of age lines after just one treatment. Patients continue to experience improvement in appearance for months after their procedure and ThermiTight™ results have been proven to last for several years.

If you would like to book a free consultation with Dr. Nakatsui please call our office at (780)482-1414 or you can book online for an appointment.  Thank you and have a great day!

  • Your Info

For your convenience, Botox and filler appointments, as well as Coolsculpting, Thermitight, and HydraFacial MD appointments can be booked directly online or by calling the office directly at 780-482-1414. There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (please note there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, please call as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.

For all other services, please call to schedule an appointment.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out to complete this form.

Dr. Nakatsui As Guest Dermatologist On CTV News – Dec. 14, 2015

December 15th, 2015 | General Info, Treatments

Have you wanted to know more about Botox Cosmetic, Dermal Fillers, and CoolSculpting for fat reduction?  Dr. Nakatsui was on CTV News at Noon on December 14 to explain to Marni Kuhlmann and viewers on how Botox, Dermal Fillers, and CoolSculpting treatments work, and how they can each enhance one’s appearance. Dr. Nakatsui shows photos of how Juvederm helped a woman with a slight ridge on her nose. He also shows a photo of a woman who wanted to fill in her nasolabial folds around her nose and mouth area, to lessen the creases, and it showed great results. CTV Edmonton’s Marni Kuhlmann also asks about CoolSculpting, a procedure that freezes away fat, and inches. To book a consultation, or to inquire about these treatments, you can call (780) 482-1414 or e-mail To watch the clip, click on the title of this post and then you will be able to click on the link : Dr. Nakatsui on CTV Edmonton December 14, 2015

Dr. Nakatsui as Guest Dermatologist on CTV News at Noon

November 23rd, 2015 | General Info, Treatments

Dr. Nakatsui was the guest Dermatologist on CTV Edmonton News at Noon today.  He spoke with Marni Kuhlmann about Botox® Cosmetic, Fillers, and Facial Rejuvenation.  Dr. Nakatsui showed some Before and After photos of patients who have had filler for their lips, as well as Botox® for crows feet (around the eyes) and frown lines.  He introduces ThermiTight™ for facial rejuvenation which uses a radio frequency technology to tighten the skin, and shrink fat.

You can watch Dr. Nakatsui on the CTV Edmonton News at Noon here:, click on the broadcast for Monday, November 23, 2015, and advance to 36min 30sec to watch.


The Magic of Botox® Cosmetic

November 18th, 2015 | Treatments

The magic of Botox has not changed. It remains the gold standard for relaxing muscles to address dynamic wrinkles. The magic of the Holiday Season does not change either. Combining Botox and the Holiday Season will help you look and feel your best as you celebrate this fun filled time of year.

Botox Cosmetic® is a natural purified protein that blocks impulses from the nerves to the tiny facial muscles responsible for the deep muscle pull creases. Consequently, the muscles relax so that the undesirable creases gradually fade away. After treatment, the overlying skin remains smooth and unwrinkled while the untreated facial muscles contract in a normal fashion, allowing desirable facial expression to be unaffected, yielding a natural rejuvenation.

Book your appointment early so that you get the results you want when you want.

Laser Hair Removal

October 9th, 2014 | Treatments

There is no question that one of the best medical technologies that have been developed of the last 20 years is LASERS. Their applications are many and varied and they have revolutionized the treatment of the skin. We can remove brown, blue, black and red discolorations from the skin without leaving a scar. But of all the laser skin treatments one the best by far is LASER HAIR REMOVAL. One zap of laser light can disable hundreds of hair follicles stunting and eventually preventing them from growing. Think of it – no more waxing, shaving, plucking – the shear freedom of it. As always there are caveats. If you have blond or grey hair in the area you want treated (eg upper lip) then you are probably not a candidate. Darn! But for the rest of you with dark hair in places you simply don’t want it you are a candidate. Try it – you will be amazed.

Post Tattoo Regrets

January 20th, 2014 | Conditions, Treatments


tattoo image
Post tattoo regrets are common. You went to a party and after a couple of drinks a group of you decided now was the time to be bold and get the tattoo you always wanted or you decided that you and your mate should solidify your relationship with matching tattoos only to discover a month later that he or she has flown the coup but the tattoo is permanent. Then there is the rebellious phase where you want to show the world that you are different and that you won’t conform to social norms even though the crowd you run with all have tattoo. Whatever the reason for your post tattoo regrets lasers now offer a permanent solution to tattoo removal. Depending on the type and amount of ink, the colour, and the size laser tattoo removal requires some patience. However it is possible to remove an unwanted tattoo with lasers without leaving a big scar or removing to much of your natural pigment. Removing unwanted tattoos is something we do every day at the Groot DermaSurgery Centre. Lasers are our business and we do it well. See Laser Pigment Removal under Treatments for more details.

Not Allowed

April 2nd, 2013 | Treatments

Did you know that by Canadian Advertising Standards the most popular treatment for wrinkles in North America cannot be mentioned by name? Can you guess the name – it starts with a ‘B’? We can talk about what it does – relaxes muscles so that wrinkles fade away for a period of time. We can tell you the price $230.00 per syringe or $10.00 per unit but we cannot mention the name. Do you need another hint? It ends with an ‘x’. We can tell you that many celebrities in North America have this treatment done but we cannot mention the product name . OK one more hint – it has a ‘t’ right smack in the middle of the name. Did you guess the name?

Getting Rid of the Number Elevens (Frown Lines)

March 11th, 2013 | Conditions, Treatments

Some of my most engaging conversations take place in the change room at the gym. The latest was with a fellow gym mate. She has been going to a spa for ‘laser’ treatments to the creases between her eye brows. After her fifth treatment she was feeling a bit discouraged as she did not see much change.

My gym mate is unlikely to see results as the creases between the eyebrows are ‘dynamic wrinkles’ caused by repeat muscle movement. To erase the lines between the eyebrows it is necessary to stop the muscle movement. This is achieved by injecting inhibiting agents into the Glabellar muscles. Within days of the injection the frown lines usually disappear. These treatments are temporary and need to be repeated every 3 to 6 months.

My gym mate should also be aware that ‘laser’ treatments at a spa are best used for fine, superficial wrinkles. Deeper rhytides, as they are known medically, require the use of wave lengths of laser light that reach deep into the dermis to realign the collagen and elastins. Such powerful lasers are only to be found in dermatology or plastic surgery centers.  The treatments are not for the faint of heart however the results are dramatic.

What can Catherine (Kate), the Duchess of Cambridge, do to Prevent Stretch Marks?

December 20th, 2012 | Treatments

The skin is like a large layer of spandex covering the body. If you pull on your skin and let go, it will snap back into place. When the skin is forced to stretch beyond the capacity of its natural elasticity, as is the case with rapid growth during pregnancy, stretch marks may form. The presence of increased cortisone levels in the body during pregnancy exacerbates the problem. Typically during pregnancy stretch marks occur over the abdomen, hips, buttocks and breasts.

Seen under a microscope, a stretch mark will reveal only a few elastic fibers in the centre and an abundance of curled and clustered elastic fibers at the edges. The collagen fibers, which are protein building blocks of the skin, are separated rather than grouped into bundles. These changes take place in the second layer of the skin, the dermis.

Initially stretch marks appear as red and purple lines of varying lengths and widths. Sometimes they are wrinkled and shiny. Gradually they fade to a color or shade lighter than the surrounding skin and remain that way.

So, for Kate the million dollar question is whether or not she can prevent stretch marks during pregnancy and the answer is no. There are an abundance of topical products on the market containing agents such as Vitamin E and aloe vera which claim to prevent stretch marks. These products will probably not work and they may actually result in allergic reactions.  There are also claims that moisturizing and massaging the stretched skin will encourage circulation and therefore keep the building blocks of the skin healthy. It is unlikely this will help to prevent stretch marks but it may help with the itch that sometimes occurs with dry, stretched skin.

A healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals contributes to healthy skin and a healthy baby. Kate should also avoid unnecessary weight gain. Excess weight adds more stretch to the skin increasing the likelihood of stretch marks.

If stretch marks occur, what can be done? Some will resolve on their own once the skin is no longer under pressure and the hormones are back to normal. Others may have to be treated. Topical agents containing tretinoin in very high doses has proven effective in realigning some of the collagen and elastins in the skin. Unfortunately it is a very irritating course of action.

In the early stages of stretch mark formation when the striae are still reddish, purple in color, treatments with vascular removal lasers have proven to reduce the redness and realign the building blocks of the skin. This is the best treatment for improving the appearance of stretch marks.

Treatments to older stretch marks with lasers such as the DeepFX carbon dioxide laser have proven helpful although far from magical.

How to be Safe In the Sun

July 24th, 2012 | General Info, Treatments

Healthy skin, like a healthy body begins with prevention. Exposure to the sun not only ages the skin but it also causes skin cancer.

The sun emits three forms of radiation: infrared, visible and ultraviolet. Infrared and visible light are valuable because they provide warmth and the ability to see. But ultraviolet light can be harmful. It consists of three basic wavelengths: Ultraviolet A, Ultraviolet B and Ultraviolet C. Each penetrates the atmosphere and affects our health in different ways.

So the first step towards protecting our skin would be to protect the Ozone layer. Work with the scientists around the world to do your part to keep and maintain clean air.

The next steps require daily vigilance:

  • Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 50 to sun exposed areas of the skin. This will protect you through a normal day of getting in and out of the car, going to the office etc.
  • If you plan to be in the sun all day then use an SPF of 60 or more.
  • Wear waterproof or water-resistant sunscreens if you plan to be in the water. Reapply often.
  • Wear sunscreen under loosely woven clothing as the sun will penetrate the cloth. The sun also penetrates wet clothing.
  • Reapply sunscreen throughout the day according to the amount of sun exposure you receive. If you are participating in sports which make your perspire, reapply sunscreens every hour.
  • Be thorough in your application; sun exposed skin which in not covered will burn. Remember the back of your ears and the tops of your feet and toes!

Wear protective clothing when exposed to the sun for long periods of time: hats, gloves, long sleeves, UV protective sun glasses.

Seek shade.

Avoid tanning beds. Fifteen minutes of exposure to UVA in a tanning bed is equivalent to three days of sitting in the sun!

A tan signifies that the sun has damaged the skin to some degree. The belief that a preliminary tan before a holiday will protect you from the harmful rays of the sun has little substance. The protection offered by a preliminary tan would only be equivalent to an SPF of 2.

Use sunscreen regularly and protect the health of your skin.