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Did you know?

December 30th, 2016 | General Info, Treatments

Dr. Nakatsui Double Diamond award recipient from AllerganDr. Nakatsui is one of a small number of solo physician injectors to have received Diamond and Double Diamond status from Allergan, the makers of Botox and Juvederm.

We are proud of having received this recognition but it is not essential to go to a Double Diamond provider to be certain you have an injector with expertise. When considering an injector, look for a practice that uses Botox and fillers every day. Ask about experience and training with Botox and fillers. Find out who your injector is–injectors are usually physicians, but can be nurses or pharmacists. At the Groot DermaSurgery Centre, Dr. Nakatsui personally performs all Botox and filler injections.

Be aware that Double Diamond status can be achieved by multi-physician groups and multi-location practices where Botox is distributed to multiple physicians and injectors. Therefore, not all Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Double Diamond providers actually use the same amount of Botox or fillers.

Dr. Donald Groot

December 21st, 2016 | Dr. Donald Groot

I, along with my associates, Dr. Linda L. Smith, Dr. Bruce Ramsey, and our staff, are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Don Groot, the founder of the Groot DermaSurgery Centre.  It gives us all great comfort to know that he passed away peacefully and surrounded by family.

He was a mentor, a colleague, a friend, and someone who knew no bounds. His warmth, spirit, and dedication to dermatology will remain with each and every one of us.

Please feel free to visit his obituary.

Dr. Thomas Nakatsui
Medical Director, Groot DermaSurgery Centre


What is Brilliant Distinctions?

December 2nd, 2016 | General Info

brilliant distinctions edmontonBrilliant Distinctions is a program provided by Allergan, the company that produces Botox and Juvederm. This program allows patients to accumulate points from the use of Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm products, Belkyra, and Latisse.


Botox Cosmetic is used to treat wrinkles on the forehead, the angry lines between the eyebrows, the smile lines around the eyes, and other areas as well. Juvederm products can help bring back fullness to problem areas such as the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, cheeks, and lips that lose volume as we age or lose weight.


Belkyra is an exciting new treatment that can help reduce fat in the dreaded double chin zone and can help improve and contour your chin and jowl line. For longer and thicker eyelashes, Latisse can be used for lusher eyelashes.


Each of these treatments earn points that can be used towards the purchase of future Allergan products. For more information, please visit or

Party season is around the corner! Look your absolute best!

September 8th, 2016 | Treatments


party, drinks, holidays, christmas and people concept - smiling woman in evening dress holding cocktail over night lights and snow background

With fall here, it can only mean one thing: Party season!  From Thanksgiving to work parties to Christmas and New Years, we have many functions coming up.  The truth of the matter is, is that we want to look our absolute best at these events.  We want to have smooth skin, amazing eyes, and a body that fits perfectly into that cocktail dress.  How we look at the end of the night is a different story!

At the Groot DermaSurgery Centre, we offer various treatments that help fine-tune and tweak the little things.  Don’t like the wrinkles around your eyes whenever you smile?  Botox Cosmetic can be used to help treat crows feet so that when you’re smiling for photos, the wrinkles around your eyes will not steal the show.  What about your skin?  You want it to be flawless in those photos.  HydraFacial MD can help cleanse the skin and reintroduce important compounds back into the skin that have to lost due to the harsh summer weather.

How about the double chin that is always there whenever you look back at photos?  Belkyra injections and ThermiTight can help eliminate fat and improve on the appearance of double chins!  That cocktail dress fit last month, but it’s a little bit more snug this month, and you’re also not happy about that little bulge?  CoolSculpting is a non-surgical and non-invasive way to reduce fat with minimal downtime.

Women: For the more intimate times with your partner, ThermiVa is a new non-surgical procedure for labial and vaginal tightening.  The complimentary consultation is performed by Dr. Linda Smith and the treatment is performed by a female registered nurse.  The treatment itself is comfortable, easy, and requires no incisions or anaesthetic.

The best time to have these treatments performed is at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment.  Botox can often take 10-14 days to take full effect.  Fillers and any injections can cause swelling which can take up to 7 days to resolve.  If you are inquiring about any of the above treatments, please call our office at (780) 482-1414 at your earliest convenience to arrange an appropriate time or you can book online in the online appointment app below.  Spots do fill up fast around this time, so calling our office well in advance can help getting the appointment time you want.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!


Appointments and Online Bookings

ThermiVa is a feminine anti-aging procedure that reclaims, restores, and revives feminine wellness. If this is of interest to you, you can call us at 780-482-1414 to schedule your consultation. However, we have found that some patients are uncomfortable bringing this up with our front staff and if you prefer, you can book a consultation appointment directly online.

There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (please note there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, you may call us as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.

For all other services, please call to schedule an appointment.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out to complete this form.

Please note that you WILL receive a confirmatory email upon successful completion of this online request. If you do not receive a confirmatory email, please contact our office by telephone to ensure that your request was successfully completed.

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The Unwanted Double Chin

August 8th, 2016 | Uncategorized


belkyra treatment for double chin best non-surgical

As we age, our skin begins to lose laxity to the point where we begin to notice areas of loose and dangling skin on areas such as our arms, abdomen, and neck.  One of the most commonly complained areas of excess skin and fat from our patients is around the chin and neck, also known as the submentum.  Because our face and neck are the most visible parts of our body that is seen the most, it can be the area that can be most bothersome, even though other areas may be affected.

The typical treatments for tightening and removing excess tissue and fat around the neck and chin is a face and neck lift surgery.  This type of surgery is still the best option for overall improvement; however, many individuals do not want to go through with a surgery or cannot take the adequate time off after surgery.   In recent years, new or improved technologies and treatments have come through to

help eliminate fat, or tighten the skin around the neck and chin.

Belkyra is a new injectable medication that is approved for the treatment and reduction of excess fat under the chin on the upper neck.  In the United States, Belkyra is called Kybella.  The treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive, and consists of a series of injections of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps break down fat, into the problem areas.

CoolSculpting is a treatment that is typically associated with freezing away the fat cells of the abdomen.  Recently, however, with the addition of the CoolMini, a new applicator that treats the double chin area, patients have noticed tremendous success and improvement to their unwanted double chin.

ThermiTight is the newest and most exciting technology for tightening loose skin!  ThermiTight is a treatment whereby radiofrequency energy is applied below the skin’s surface.  This technology involves inserting a small probe under the skin so that thermal energy can be safely delivered to the fat and the tissue beneath the surface of the skin to tighten the area from underneath without endangering the overlying skin.

For some people, they love their double chins and find them endearing.  For others that do not feel the same way about their double chin, there are options.  Give our centre a call today at (780) 482-1414 to book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nakatsui to discuss the various options and treatments for you.

Tips for Sensitive Skin!

July 30th, 2016 | Conditions


Applying moisturizer cream. Care for female legs isolated on white background

Our skin is the largest organ we have.  It acts as a barrier between your surrounding environment and your internal organs.  Our skin is the first line of defence from the outside world and is constantly bombarded with various irritants in the environment such as dust, bacteria, and the effects of weather.  Many people suffer from sensitive skin and one of the most notable and common issues with our skin is eczema.  Eczema is inflammation of the skin usually due to dryness, irritation, and possible allergy.

The ”Mayo Clinic Regime” is a guideline for sensitive skin for people suffering from eczema:


SOAPS – Use products that are soft and non-irritating to the skin.  This may take some trial and error to find the perfect soap for you.

Use unscented laundry detergents.

Wash all new clothes and linens five times before using

White cotton gloves under vinyl or nitrile gloves for any activities where you anticipate your hands getting wet. Trim nails short or wear white cotton gloves full time.  Long nails are dangerous weapons to the skin.



No HOT water (use lukewarm only).  Hot water can cause major irritation to the skin.

No powders, rubbing alcohol, perfumes, colognes, after shave, or pre-shaves on any part of the body or clothing.

No fabric softener in the washer or dryer.  White vinegar in the rinse cycle of the water is okay.

No scented deodorants.

No rubber or vinyl gloves without cotton gloves beneath them.

No wetting of hands more than five times per day, unless instructed, and if so, appropriate creams/lotions on afterwards.

No tight-fitting clothes.

Do not scratch, scrub, or pull off dead skin, and do not use a loofah.


Cream Schedule

Apply at morning and bedtime:

  • Plain moisturizer generously to all dry skin (And anytime skin feels dry). Ideally applying to moist skin, as it “traps” the moisture.  After a brief bath or shower, pat dry and apply the cream.


As eczema improves, decrease the use of any prescription hydrocortisones or mixture creams.  However, always use plain moisturizer at least once or twice daily on all sensitive skin.

These are some tips to help those suffering from eczema.  Always check with your dermatologist for more care and management of eczema/dermatitis or any other skin ailments you may have.



The Art of Hair Restoration Surgery

July 7th, 2016 | Hair Transplant

The Art of Hair Restoration Surgery

Hair transplant surgeries have become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for men and a large number of women.  Much of what happens before, during, and after a hair transplant surgery is uncertain for many curious people.  Here is what the typical process for hair restoration surgeries look like from consultation to 1 year after the surgery with Dr. Nakatsui.

Complimentary Comprehensive Consultation

A prospective patient will come in to our clinic for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nakatsui.  During this consultation, Dr. Nakatsui will obtain a thorough history of the individual.  When did the hair loss begin, what types of treatments they have tried in the past, and what is their family history for hair loss are among a few of the typical questions asked.

Dr. Nakatsui then performs a thorough examination of the scalp to determine if there are any other medical factors that may contribute to the hair loss such as Alopecia Areata or Lichen Planopilaris.  These are conditions in which the body attacks its own hair and because of that, hair transplantation into these areas is not recommended.  Dr. Nakatsui then assesses the patient’s situation and expectations and determines if the individual is a good candidate for hair restoration surgery.

Candidacy for hair restoration surgery is multifactorial.  First, Dr. Nakatsui will assess if there is enough donor hair for the required areas.  Is there enough supply for the demand?  Donor hair taken from the back of the scalp is the best hair for transplantation and we have to think of that hair as a limited resource; there is only so much that Dr. Nakatsui can take from this resource.  Candidacy goes beyond the initial consultation as well.  Dr. Nakatsui will not only take into consideration if there is enough donor supply for the demand for today, but also for next year, 10 years down the road.

Unfortunately, hair loss in men and women may be progressive and can continue for many years after a hair transplant.  Technically, the transplanted hairs are permanent and should never fall out, so that leaves the pre-existing non-transplanted hairs.  These hairs have the potential to fall out in the future.  Dr. Nakatsui takes these factors into account and tries to determine if there will be sufficient supply to meet the demands of the future.

The most important factor for candidacy is always patient expectations.  The goal of hair transplant surgeries, and any cosmetic surgery, is improvement not perfection.  Since the transplanted hairs are technically permanent, they will be with you when you are 70-80 years old.  It is important to understand that having a low hair-line similar to your 18-year-old self may have an unnatural appearance not only today, but when you are 70 years old.

Hair transplant surgeries can take several hours to perform as it is very detailed and tedious work.  Similar to a master watch maker crafting a beautiful watch, Dr. Nakatsui skilfully and painstakingly performs surgery that will ultimately yield incredible results.

Surgery Day

The big day is finally here and there is excitement in the air!  Patients arrive at 8:00 in the morning and is shown around our clinic.  Dr. Nakatsui speaks with the patient going through all the ins and outs of the procedure.  Dr. Nakatsui then plots out exactly where he will be transplanting and ensures that both patient and Dr. Nakatsui are happy with the recipient areas.

The patient is prepped and ensured the donor and recipient areas are clean and sterile.  At this time, the patient is laying face down in a comfortable massage table and Dr. Nakatsui at this will use local anaesthetic to numb up the donor site.  If the patient is having the follicular unit transplant (strip technique), then Dr. Nakatsui and his surgical team slowly and carefully remove the donor site hair.  Once that is complete, he then closes the donor site with surgical staples.

If a follicular unit extraction (FUE – individual) surgery is performed, Dr Nakatsui will trim the donor site hair very short.  Local anaesthetic is used once again to numb up the area, then using a tool called the SAFE machine, Dr. Nakatsui manually extracts every individual hair one by one.

Hair Transplant GraftsOnce the removal of the donor hair, Dr. Nakatsui then anaesthetizes the recipient areas.  He then makes tiny incisions into the recipient areas.  Dr. Nakatsui’s team of technicians carefully and skilfully trim and dissect every individual graft.  A graft is a bundle of 1, 2, or 3 hairs.  Once all of the incisions are made, Dr. Nakatsui, his team, and the patient break for a quick lunch provided by Dr. Nakatsui.

In the afternoon, the hair transplant technicians then reinsert every individual graft.  Dr. Nakatsui and his team will utilize all grafts and painstakingly insert one graft at a time.  The incisions that Dr. Nakatsui made are in very specific angles and direction and, ultimately, when the grafts are reinserted into the scalp, they must be inserted at the exact same angle as the incision.

Once completed, Dr. Nakatsui and his team go over post operative instructions and a care package is given to the patient.

Post Treatment

Typical things to expect post surgery include swelling to the forehead, redness, irritation, itching.  Antibiotics are given to prevent infection.  Dr. Nakatsui recommends rest/no strenuous activity for at least 10-14 days post surgery, which includes time off from work.  The transplanted areas will appear as if the patient had bad sunburn.  Any strong physical exertion could potentially eject the grafts within the first week after the surgery or any physical trauma to the recipient sites can cause grafts to eject.

Three week after the surgery, typically the visible portion of hair falls out at this time.  Because the follicle is dormant beneath the skin, it will take approximately 3 months for little sprouts to appear.  It will, however, take 12-14 months to see the full 100% effect of the result.

The hair transplant surgery and outcome is a game of patience.  The day of surgery is a long day for both patient and surgical team.  As with anything worth the wait, time is needed to see the full result, but it is worth it. For more information, please visit our dedicated hair transplant site at

Patient 3cPatient 13a


Fillers and Botox for cosmetic reasons: Truths and Misunderstandings

June 28th, 2016 | Treatments

Portrait of a young woman has a question is asking herself something. Question mark over her head.

As we age, certain aspects of our appearance begin to bother us when we look in the mirror.  What we see in the mirror may not reflect what we feel on the inside.  The vivaciousness and energy that we carry may not be indicative of the bags under our eyes.

As we age, certain aspects of our appearance begin to bother us when we look in the mirror.  What we see in the mirror may not reflect what we feel on the inside.  The vivaciousness and energy that we carry may not be indicative of the bags under our eyes.

Botox cosmetic and dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane have been around for many years.  They each have a specific role to play when dealing with facial rejuvenation. Botox and fillers can often become mixed up in their perceived usage.  Many times when a celebrity with large lips is seen on TV, one of the common phrases is that she has too much Botox in her lips.  In all likelihood, that celebrity had a dermal filler treatment to enhance her lips.

Botox (Onabotulinumtoxin A) is a substance that blocks localized nerve activity in the muscle.  This causes a temporary cessation of muscle movement.  This sounds frightening, but when Botox is injected into specific muscles in can produce a variety of fantastic results that will help reduce wrinkles.

Botox can be used for a variety of other medical conditions.  Chronic Migraine sufferers will use Botox to help reduce tension headaches.   Botox can also be used for individuals suffering from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).  Onabotulinumtoxin A will temporarily block the secretion of the chemical that is responsible for turning on the body’s sweat gland.

When Botox is injected into very specific muscles in the face, it can reduce the overall wrinkling of certain portions of the face.  The area in between the eye brows (glabella) can become furrowed, therefore causing an angry look.  The lines on the forehead (frontalis) can become very wrinkly with continuous movement thus causing a face to appear much older than it actually is!  Crows feet on the side of the eyes can become wrinkled through years of smiling and laughing and many individuals like that look.  For those that do not appreciate that look, Dr. Nakatsui can help.

Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are forms of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring sugar found in the body.  Properly placing these dermal fillers, Dr. Nakatsui is able to restore the fullness that certain portions of your face once had but lost due to the natural aging process or weight loss.

These fillers can also be used in accentuating the great features that you already have, such as the lips.  By placing filler in the lip line to emphasize your lips, you can get a very big impact without having the fish lip look.  Dr. Nakatsui’s goal is to make subtle changes to make the areas appear natural as if they have always been that way.

The objective of Dr. Nakatsui and the Nakatsui DermaSurgery Centre is to enhance the great features that you already have.  Through the use of Botox or Juvederm, the goal is not to overhaul and completely change your face, but rather take the great features you have and make them shine!  If you feel that your looks do not reflect how old you feel, there are treatments that can help.

For your convenience, Botox and filler appointments, as well as Coolsculpting, Thermitight, and HydraFacial MD appointments can be booked directly online or by calling the office directly at 780-482-1414. There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (please note there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, please call as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.

For all other services, please call to schedule an appointment.

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Please note that you WILL receive a confirmatory email upon successful completion of this online request. If you do not receive a confirmatory email, please contact our office by telephone to ensure that your request was successfully completed.

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What is involved in a Hair Transplant Surgery?

June 7th, 2016 | Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Grafts

Hair transplant surgeries have been around for many decades.  Through technological advancement and improved techniques, hair transplant results have become both very natural and undetectable.  Historically, hair transplant surgeries have been associated with the word “plugs” or “doll hair” and those terms are not far from the truth.  Early iterations of the hair transplant surgery yielded unnatural results that were easily detected.  Large clumps of hair that looked like “plugs” were inserted into the scalp and had very large spacing in-between each graft.  The end result looked very much like a dolls head of hair.



Dr. Thomas Nakatsui, a board certified dermatologist, trained extensively with Dr. Jerry Wong under the most advanced technique of Hair Restoration surgery.  Dr. Nakatsui has been performing Hair Transplant surgeries for more than 18 years and his technique involves taking the very basic units of hair called grafts (seen in the photo above).  Each graft contains 1, 2, or 3 hairs.  The older plug technique typically had 5, 8, sometimes 10 hairs in a single graft.  Because Dr. Nakatsui uses the very basic units of hair, the grafts are incredible small, between 0.6-1.0mm in size.

The above photo shows a group of grafts placed in a saline filled sterile Petri dish placed on top of an ice pack wrapped in sterile tin foil.  Each graft is incredibly small as you can see.  Hair transplant surgeries require patience as they are typically a lengthy day for Dr. Nakatsui, his team, and the patient.  However, the only way to achieve amazing results is to perform this tedious process.   Our job is not difficult, we’re splitting hairs! For more information regarding hair loss/hair transplant surgery, please visit

Hair Transplant Before and After

Patio season is here!

May 18th, 2016 | Uncategorized

Patio Season is here!

Friends, Drinks, and great weather can only mean one thing: Patio season is upon us!  During this time we want to look our best when socializing with friends.  Firstly, we want to keep our skin looking young.  The easiest and simplest way to do that is to lather on the sunscreen.  Applying a good sunscreen with an SPF of 60 over all exposed areas of the skin will help prevent our skin from prematurely aging.  Protecting our skin by covering up will also help reduce the chances of skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

Having a great fashion sense!

Hats are in fashion this year and wearing a large brimmed hat will not only keep your style up to date, it will also help add another layer of sun protection.  Your eyes are just as susceptible to sun damage as your skin.  Wearing sunglasses will not only allow you to express your style, sunglasses with 100% UV protection will help protect your eyes from possible sun damage.

Let the good times roll!

Laughing and smiling are all part of having a good time.  Through movement around the eyes and forehead, wrinkles can start to appear.  Smiling very deeply can create crows feet on the side of the eyes, while being expressive and moving your eyebrows up and down can create wrinkles on your forehead and in the area between your eyebrows called the glabella.  The wrinkles in the glabella, many people call them the anger lines or number 11’s, is the most commonly complained area.  Through the use of Botox, Dr. Nakatsui is able to reduce the appearance of these lines in the glabella, forehead, and around the eyes.

Looking our best!

Fillers placed in select areas can help rejuvenate the appearance of your face.  Through age and weight loss, areas on the face can lose it’s fullness.  For many, losing weight is a great accomplishment from hard work and dedication.  With weight loss, one of the first areas to show is the face.  Areas such as the cheeks and the lines around the nose and mouth, called the nasolabial folds, begin to sink.  Through the use of fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane, Dr. Nakatsui is able to give the youthfulness and bounce back into these areas with a very natural appearance.

Having radiant skin!

The summer months can be harsh on the skin.  The mixture of sun, wind, and dirt can take its toll on our face.  Through new technologies, Dr. Nakatsui and the Groot DermaSurgery centre is able to improve the appearance of our skin.  HydraFacial MD cleanses, exfoliates, and extracts impurities and dead skin cells while at the same time replenishes vital nutrients into the skin.  

Look great in that summer dress!

Did you buy a dress that almost fits perfectly, but because of one little bulge in your stomach region you are contemplating throwing it away?  Through the use of CoolSculpting, Dr. Nakatsui and the Groot DermaSurgery Centre can help eliminate localized areas of unwanted fat so that you can look your best in that sexy summer dress.

If you have any questions about any of the above treatments, or you want to book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nakatsui, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic at (780) 482-1414.  Thank you!

What is Pearl Fractional?

April 28th, 2016 | Treatments, Uncategorized


Through the advancement of laser technology, fine lines, wrinkles, and scars can become a thing of the past!  Fractional lasers such as Fraxel and Pearl Fractional place tiny holes deep in the skin selectively removing columns of damaged tissue leaving the surrounding skin intact. Patients see an improvement in photo damage, tone, and texture, as well as a noticeably smoother  and brighter complexion. The Pearl Fractional is often combined with the Pearl to achieve maximum benefit (Pearl Fusion). The photo  shows one of our patients after one treatment with Pearl Fusion. Additional benefit can be seen with more treatments.

Read more about our treatments for photoaging and learn how to rejuvenate your skin or you can call our office at (780) 482-1414 to book a complimentary consultation.


For your convenience, Botox and filler appointments, as well as Coolsculpting, Thermitight, and HydraFacial MD appointments can be booked directly online or by calling the office directly at 780-482-1414. There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (please note there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, please call as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.

For all other services, please call to schedule an appointment.

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Excessive Sweating

April 27th, 2016 | Uncategorized


Approximately 3 percent of the population suffer from excess sweating.  The excess sweat can be generalized all over the body or in more targeted areas such as the armpits, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.  This condition is called of excessive sweat is termed hyperhidrosis.  Excessive sweating becomes noticeable after puberty. Stressful situations such as examinations, job interviews, or an important date often aggravate the sweating. Sometimes, it takes almost nothing for the sweating to start and once it starts, it usually worsens until the affected person can get away from everyone else and cool down. Unfortunately, most over the counter antiperspirants do not control hyperhidrosis.

Treatments For Excessive Sweating

Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate
Treatment aims to control the excessive sweating; it is not a permanent cure. A topical agent known as aluminum chloride hexahydrate in absolute alcohol is available in Canada without a prescription under the name of Drysol.

Other Treatment Options
Usually localized applications of aluminum chloride hexahydrate provide satisfactory sweat control. When this regime does not work, other options may include internal medications (such as anticholinergics), electrophoresis, a technique utilizing a device called the Drionic machine, dilute formalin (for sweaty feet). In very rare cases surgery is necessary to remove the sweat glands or cut the nerve responsible for their stimulation.

Neuromodulator Injections

Sweat Inhibiting or Neuromodulator Injections, such as botox,  have proven to markedly reduce sweating for an average of 6 months after 1 or 2 treatments.

When used correctly, neuromodulators are highly effective therapy for excessive sweating and effects can last 6 months or more in the majority of patients. Patients who have had Botox injections for excessive sweating are amazed by the positive change such a simple treatment can have. They often tell us that Botox injections free them from their fear of social embarassment!

Neuromodulators are highly purified proteins that interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands. Consequently, once the neuromodulator has been injected around the sweat glands, they can no longer sweat for 6 months or more. Eventually the body recovers its ability to transmit nerve impulses to the sweat glands. At that point, the sweat glands can be reinjected.

It’s a very simple process and patients are usually extremely happy with the results as it essentially eliminates the need to worry about the excessive sweating for many months at a time!


If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic at (780)482-1414 to book a complimentary consultation.



Is this a worrisome mole?

April 20th, 2016 | Uncategorized

MoleThe answer is, unfortunately, yes.

One of Dr. Nakatsui’s patients presented this mole to him and when presented this mole, Dr. Nakatsui had a strong suspicion that this oddly shaped mole could be something sinister. Through a diagnostic biopsy performed by Dr. Nakatsui at the Groot DermaSurgery Centre, the results confirmed that the mole was indeed a malignant melanoma, the most worrisome form of skin cancer.

What made Dr. Nakatsui concerned about the mole? We can look at the ABCDE’s of mole checking.

AAsymmetry: The mole is asymmetrical in shape. If you draw a line through the middle, it is not perfectly symmetrical.

BBorder: The border is uneven and ill-defined. Malignant melanomas typically have uneven, scalloped, or notched borders.

CColour: The colour variation in this mole was subtle, however there are elements of light and dark brown, and even some shades of dark blue. Having a multitude of colours in a single mole can be a warning signal. These colours can be reds, browns, blues, whites, and/or blacks.

DDiameter: The physical size of the mole was another concern for Dr. Nakatsui. The mole was approximately 2.0cm x 1.6cm in size. Malignant melanomas usually are larger than a pencil eras in diameter (6mm), but many malignant melanomas can be smaller than 6mm in size when they are first detected.

EEvolution: This patient noted that the mole had changed in a relatively short period of time. It grew in size rapidly and it changed in colours within a few months. Any change in colour, shape, elevation, or any other trait, or even new symptoms such as crusting, bleeding, or itching should be examined by your family doctor or dermatologist.

Did you answer the question correctly? It can be difficult to determine whether a mole is good or bad and the best way to determine is to have your family doctor or dermatologist examine the moles.

Keep tabs on your moles – Take monthly photos of any or all moles. Use a ruler beside the mole and take a photo. A couple weeks to a month later, take another photo with the ruler again and determine if there is any change to the mole in size, shape, colour, etc. If you do note changes, it is time to see your doctor.

Avoid sun exposure! Wear hats, sunscreen, long shirts to cover your arms, and long pants to cover your legs. Sun exposure can increase the chances of malignant melanomas and also increase the risk of other forms of skin cancers such as basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas.

When in doubt, check it out!

Dr. Nakatsui on CTV discussing Hair Restoration Surgery

April 13th, 2016 | Treatments, Uncategorized


Hair loss occurs in approximately 50% of males and approximately 40% of females during their life time. Hair loss can affect an individual’s self-esteem and affect how they live their daily lives. Dr. Thomas Nakatsui is a dermatologist who specializes in hair transplants, using the most advanced, state-of-the-art techniques in hair transplant surgery. At the Groot Dermasurgery Centre, he has performed hair transplant surgery for over 15 years with great success and is a recipient of the Consumers’ Choice Award for hair restoration.

Dr.Nakatsui has trained extensively with Dr. Jerry Wong in the state-of-the-art follicular unit transplantation using the lateral slit technique, for creating the most natural-looking hair transplant possible. Dr. Nakatsui is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, the Canadian Dermatology Association, the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery, the American Society of Hair restoration surgery, as well as a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

Please click on the link below to watch Dr. Nakatsui discuss the hair transplant surgery and to see some before and after photos.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our clinic at (780)482-1414 or visit our dedicated hair transplant websiteThank you and have a great day!

What does ABCDE and skin cancer mean to a dermatologist?

March 31st, 2016 | Uncategorized

When performing a physical examination of a mole, Dr. Nakatsui, a board certified dermatologist, is looking for certain features in a mole.  Among other features, Dr. Nakatsui is looking for the ABCDEs in a mole.
A – Asymmetry:  Unhealthy moles tend to be irregular in shape or non-circular.
B – Border:  Problematic moles will have irregular, uneven borders.
C – Colour: Healthy moles are generally uniform in colour.  Worrisome moles can contain multiple colours such as reds, blues, browns, whites, and even very dark moles can be worrisome.
D – Diameter: Worrisome moles are usually larger than 6mm in size, typically the size of a pencil eraser.
E – Evolving: When a mole begins to change it’s size, shape, colour, or begins to bleed, it is time to get it checked out.
Dr. Nakatsui strongly believes that having a yearly mole evaluation is an important part in your skin health.  In the interim, doing a monthly self evaluation is extremely beneficial.  Having a friend or family member assess your back is the best thing for those hard to see areas.  Taking photos every month of your moles with a ruler beside the mole can also help determine if there are any changes in a mole.
When in doubt, check it out!

One little-known way to prevent premature aging of the face: Use sunscreen whenever outside.

March 30th, 2016 | Uncategorized

Sun exposure

The best way to prevent your skin from prematurely ageing is to apply sunscreen whenever you go outside!  Collagen deterioration is accelerated by the sun’s rays. The Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays and the longer Ultraviolet A (UVA) rays of the sun penetrate into the dermis, causing the breakdown of collagen and the formation of wrinkles, as well as other signs of sun damage: dilated superficial blood vessels; pigment changes; and scaly patches.  Wearing a hat to cover your face and sunglasses to protect your eyes can also help protect you from the damaging effects of the sun.

Through the use of SPF’s over 50, you can potentially help slow down the signs of ageing and also decrease the chances of skin cancers such as Basal Cell and Squamous Cell carcinomas.  If you would like more information on how to slow down ageing of the face or you would like to look more youthful, please contact our clinic at (780)482-1414 for a complimentary consultation.

  • Your Info

For your convenience, Botox and filler appointments, as well as Coolsculpting, Thermitight, and HydraFacial MD appointments can be booked directly online or by calling the office directly at 780-482-1414. There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (please note there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, please call as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.

For all other services, please call to schedule an appointment.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out to complete this form.


Do you suffer from a double chin?

February 23rd, 2016 | Conditions, Treatments


No matter how hard your work out or how well you eat, your double chin can remain in place.  Age, genetics, and other factors can cause additional fat/skin to deposit under the chin giving the appearance of a double chin.

Historically, the only way to improve a double chin would be through a face lift surgery.  The face lift surgery is still a great option, however it can have a lengthy downtime and many individuals do not want to undergo an invasive surgery.

ThermiTight™ is the newest in non-invasive procedures in which Dr. Nakatsui is able to deliver controlled thermal energy under the skin in order to reverse the effects of aging.  ThermiTight™ is able to sculpt the troublesome area under the chin and tighten loose skin drastically improving the double chin appearance.

The majority of patients only require a single session. While every patient is unique and individual results may vary, most patients experience dramatic improvements in skin laxity and the appearance of age lines after just one treatment. Patients continue to experience improvement in appearance for months after their procedure and ThermiTight™ results have been proven to last for several years.

If you would like to book a free consultation with Dr. Nakatsui please call our office at (780)482-1414 or you can book online for an appointment.  Thank you and have a great day!

  • Your Info

For your convenience, Botox and filler appointments, as well as Coolsculpting, Thermitight, and HydraFacial MD appointments can be booked directly online or by calling the office directly at 780-482-1414. There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (please note there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, please call as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.

For all other services, please call to schedule an appointment.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out to complete this form.

How do we get rid of frown lines?

February 20th, 2016 | Uncategorized


Are you always asked, “Why are you angry?”, even though you may not be angry in that moment? Vertical lines in between our eyebrows (Glabella) can often give the appearance of anger or frustration. Squinting, concentrating, and yes, being upset will naturally cause you to use the muscles above your eyebrows and eventually form anger lines.

Through the use of Botox® Cosmetic, Dr. Nakatsui is able to help these frown lines fade yielding a more pleasant and more youthful appearance. Botox Cosmetic® can also be used to get rid of the horizontal lines on your forehead and the crows feet we get on the sides of our eyes.

Dr. Nakatsui personally performs all of the Botox® Cosmetic injections. There are no nurse injectors for fillers or Botox at the Groot DermaSurgery Centre.  If you would like to book a free consultation with Dr. Nakatsui please fill in the form or contact our office at (780)482-1414.  Thank you and have a great day!

  • Your Info

Basic Life Support and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

February 17th, 2016 | Uncategorized

Basic Life Support and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an important skill to have. Knowing how to respond to a cardiac emergency can increase a person’s odds of survival and recovery by 30% or more.

Dr. Thomas Nakatsui and his team at the Groot Dermasurgery Centre take the time to educate themselves in order to stay on top of current treatments to help you look younger. Staff at the Groot Dermasurgery Centre also take time to stay on top the newest guidelines for Basic Life Support (BLS) and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

St. Johns Ambulance put together a short video demonstrating what to do in just that situation. Please click on the link below to watch what to do in just that case. Please note – Watching the video below does not replace actual training from a trained professional. The Groot Dermasurgery Centre encourages everyone to take a certified course in Basic Life Support and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

What is Rosacea?

February 17th, 2016 | Uncategorized


Rosacea is a chronic condition of the skin which is often characterized by flare-ups and remissions. It typically begins from 30 years of age on, as a redness of various areas of the face; including the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. It may also occur on the neck, chest, scalp or ears.

Rosacea can vary substantially from one individual to another. Some common signs of rosacea include: facial flushing, persistent redness, bumps and pimples and facial veins.

At the Groot Dermasurgery Centre, Dr. Thomas Nakatsui takes a multi-faceted approach to treating Rosacea. First is patient teaching and knowledge. Prevention – by avoiding foods or beverages that trigger facial flushing, including alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine products (such as coffee, tea, cola and chocolate), hot soups, and hot drinks, this can be controlled.

Oral and topical medications that can help reduce redness and inflammation are a great method in treating Rosacea and many patients have found great benefit from them.

For Redness and Blood Vessels – IPL, Dye laser, Help-G laser, or Cutera Excel laser treatments are used to remove dilated blood vessels.

For more information, please visit our website at or you can contact our office at (780)482-1414.

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