Botox Edmonton

Botox is the most popular anti aging procedure in the world

Botox is the number one anti wrinkle, anti aging treatment in Edmonton and around the world. Millions of men and women have experienced the anti aging benefit of Botox.
Botox injections are the most common esthetic procedures performed at our clinic It is an extremely common anti wrinkle procedure and one that, if done correctly, yields a completely natural and pleasing esthetic result.

Dr. Nakatsui has been injecting Botox and fillers for over 20 years and is one of the premier injectors of filler and Botox in Edmonton. Our award-winning skin care and rejuvenation clinic has an exceptional reputation and track record. You can trust our Board Certified Dermatologist to give you the best possible results.
Botox Edmonton
If you would like to schedule a consultation at our Edmonton dermatology clinic, call us at 780-482-1414, text us at 780-707-8836, or email us using the following link.

What is Botox?
Botox is a natural, purified protein that blocks impulses from the nerves to the tiny facial muscles responsible for the deep muscle pull creases; consequently, the muscles relax so the undesirable creases gradually fade away. After treatment, the overlying skin usually remains smooth and unwrinkled while the untreated facial muscles contract in a normal fashion, allowing desirable facial expression to be unaffected, yielding a natural rejuvenation. In the hands of our skilled physician injector, you will still look like you–only more well-rested and youthful looking.

**Actual patient. Individual results may vary.
Which are the Three Most Common Areas Treated with Botox?
The most common area Dr. Nakatsui treats is the glabellar furrows (otherwise known as frown lines)–the vertical wrinkles that appear between the eyebrows. These are the lines that make one look angry or concerned even when happy. After treatment, these frown lines normally fade yielding a more pleasant and more youthful appearance. In the photo above, our patient is trying very hard to frown but she simply cannot!
In addition, Botox can be used to lift the brows slightly if desired as a non-surgical brow lift. Many patients really enjoy this effect as it opens up the eyes slightly and makes your expression more inviting by counteracting the drooping and sagging that occurs with age.
The crow’s feet (otherwise known as smile lines) around the eyes and under the eyes are another commonly treated area and these aging lines around the eyes usually respond very well to Botox injections. Horizontal forehead lines are the third most common area of injection. Injecting these wrinkles will help your face maintain its youthfulness. In some patients who are susceptible to eyebrow droop from Botox, Dr. Nakatsui will use micro-Botox injections to decrease their risk while still preventing the lines.

**Actual patient. Individual results may vary.
Contact Us For A Free Botox Evaluation
Serving Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Leduc, and Edmonton
Botox Edmonton Clinic
Questions? Phone us at:780-482-1414
Text us at 780-707-8836
What Other Areas can be Injected with Botox?
Botox is predominantly used in the upper face but it can also be used in the mid face and lower face. It can be used to treat gummy smiles, bunny lines of the nose, and dimpled, uneven chins and can even be used to shrink the large masseter muscles of the cheeks and slim the lower face. Many people grind their teeth at night and/or have genetically larger masseter muscles; once injected, these muscles shrink in size and effectively slim the lower part of the face.
Other areas we inject at our skin care and rejuvenation clinic include the corners of the mouth, the lips, neck bands, and the jawline (otherwise known as a Nefertiti lift). Some patients also receive injections for headaches, migraines and excessive sweating (also known as hyperhidrosis).
For most patients, the before and after changes are significant. However, not all patients are candidates for these treatments. For example, some patients will get heavy brows from injection of the forehead. After a consultation with our dermatologist, Dr. Nakatsui, he will best be able to decide which areas should be treated and which should not.

Botox Cosmetic was first used in 1983 by a dermatology and ophthalmology husband and wife by the names of Drs. Alastair and Jean Carruthers.
I Have Heard Dentists and Pharmacists Can Inject Botox. Should I see a Dermatologist for Botox?
It is true that the Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy have allowed their members to inject Botox in their dental offices and pharmacies and it is difficult for the patient to know who to go to. Unfortunately, many dentists and pharmacists have learned how to inject Botox through a weekend esthetics course. Just as you likely shouldn’t trust Dr. Nakatsui to do your teeth after a three day course, you probably shouldn’t trust a dentist or pharmacist to do your Botox after a three day course. See a Board Certified Dermatologist to get the best professional expert treatment you can get. Don’t be surprised if you are offered Botox at your neighbourhood Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacy one day.
Who Performs the Botox ® Injections?
At our Edmonton skin and laser rejuvenation clinic, our dermatologist Dr. Nakatsui has been personally performing BOTOX COSMETIC ® injections for over 20 years and is committed to providing the best Botox in Edmonton. In addition, Dr. Nakatsui has carefully selected and personally trained a small number of nurses to inject fillers and Botox at Nakatsui DermaSurgery (formerly Groot DermaSurgery Centre) as we know the wait to see Dr. Nakatsui has been oftentimes tremendously long. Do yourself a favour and see a Board Certified Dermatologist or one of his carefully curated nurses to do your injections and get the best Botox results Edmonton has to offer.

How Much Does Botox Cost?
What is the cost or price of Botox? Our Edmonton clinic typically charges between $90-$230 for the forehead, $160-230 for the glabella, $180-230 for the crow’s feet, and $80 for the chin. Some areas such as the masseter muscles require more Botox, and the price rises accordingly. In Edmonton, the average cost per unit is $10/unit.
The variability in cost depends on the surface area that needs to be treated and the strength of the target muscles. Larger areas and stronger muscles requires more units and the cost goes up accordingly.
For example, men sometimes need more Botox than women for the same area simply because they have bigger, stronger muscles, although this is not always the case. Some foreheads need more Botox as some people have more active foreheads than others, whereas other foreheads need less. As a result, we price by the unit rather than by the region; if we didn’t, your cost would be higher than necessary for some patients.
**Actual patient. Individual results may vary.

**Actual patient. Individual results may vary.

Where should I go for the best Botox Edmonton has to offer?
When it comes to Botox, it is important to do your research and decide which is the best clinic in Edmonton. We feel it is to your benefit to go to a Board Certified Dermatogist. Dr. Nakatsui has 20 years of experience with Botox and thousands of patients with positive results. We have an outstanding track record and for these reasons and others, we believe that Nakatsui DermaSurgery is your optimal choice for the best Botox Edmonton has to offer.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Involved in Botox Injections for Wrinkles?
How Long Does Botox Take to Work and Kick In?
How Long will the Injections Last?
The effects will last about three-four months on average, and the muscle action will return. The duration is determined by the individual’s rate of metabolism. When the undesirable creases begin to reappear, another injection is all that is necessary to maintain the desired result. You will need to have injections three to four times a year to maintain this positive effect.
Some studies have shown that the duration of the treatment benefits increase over time. The length of time the treatment lasts varies from patient to patient.
Can Botox be Combined with Fillers?

**Actual patient. Individual results may vary.
Are Botox Injections Painful?
What Are The Limitations Of Botox Injections?
Is Botox Safe?
This is a common question with new patients. Botox is very safe and has been used for decades. Doctor Thomas Nakatsui and his staff all receive Botox injections regularly. Rarely, there can be side effects, including bruising (which is temporary and can be treated with pulse dye laser), transient swelling, or a slight transient headache. Very rarely, the medication can diffuse to adjacent muscles and cause temporary unwanted muscle weakening, although this is very uncommon.
On the other hand, it is important to get genuine Botox. In the past, it was possible to get “bootleg Botox” and there were documented cases of patients receiving this bootleg Botox that ended up having severe side effects from the injections as they were getting much higher doses than they should have as a result of injectors buying cheap Botox.
Can Botox be Combined With Other Treatments?
What is Dysport?
What is Nuceiva?
Can you combine Botox with Clear + Brilliant or Photofacials?
Where Do You Inject When You Treat Migraines?

Migraine treatment with Botox is often covered by Alberta Health if you meet the necessary criteria. If you meet the criteria, there is no cost to the patient for Botox injections.
What is the Brilliant Distinctions program?
Brilliant Distinctions ™ is a loyalty program administered by Allergan. This program allows patients to accumulate points from the use of Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm products (such as Ultra XC, Volbella, Voluma, Volift), Belkyra, Coolsculpting, and Latisse. These points can then be redeemed for dollars off of Allergan products and services.

**Actual patient. Individual results may vary
How Does Botox Work?
It is really fascinating how botulinum toxin works! Botox essentially prevents the nerve from telling the muscle to contract. Dr. Nakatsui likes to think of it like a message that has to be delivered through a door. Botox interferes with the release of acetycholine (the messenger) through the nerve ending (the door) so that it can tell the muscle (the worker) to get to work. Botulinum toxin interferes with SNARE proteins and it is these proteins that help the messenger through the door so that it can deliver the message. The human body is simply amazing and the way botulinum toxin works equally so.

Appointments and Online Bookings
Botox appointments can be made by calling the office at 780-482-1414. For your convenience, Botox appointments can also be booked directly online. There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required to reserve an appointment using the online booking service (please note there is a $20.00 administrative fee deducted from this deposit). If you cannot find a convenient time using the online scheduler, please call as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online.
For all other services, please call to schedule an appointment.
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